The Knowledge Gap Company’s Business Growth coaching

A Concierge approach to coaching

How we grow businesses 

A concierge approach to coaching

Wherever you are, we have the know-how to grow your revenue. No matter your goals, we develop a unique approach to helping you get where you want to go, including personalized coaching, design, and more. All we care about is that you have an incredible experience and amazing results, so that you’ll tell all your friends about us. It’s not about the money.

Revenue optimization

Whether you need sales training, systems development, lead generation strategies, marketing, branding, or anything else, we help you organize your business, develop better strategies, and grow your revenue. 

Time efficiency

Every business limit is time. We multiply your time by teaching you how to delegate, create systems, improve branding, and hire the right people so you can get out of the daily operations and focus more of your time on improving the business.

Our coaching Services

When you sign up for coaching, you get access to a master sales, leadership, and branding expert. Our entire job is to help you focus on the right activities to get the most long-term return. Whether we are helping with your marketing strategy, operations efficiency, sales process, or team culture, our goal is to help you optimize your revenue long-term.

One on one business growth coaching

Service description: We offer personalized coaching in multiple tiers based on the experience and duties of the individual. We have coached multi-million dollar business owners and brand new internal sales agents.

One on one coaching is ideal for the following people:

Business Owners or Executives

Team Leaders, Branch Managers, and Sales Managers

High Ticket Sales People

Marketing or Operation Directors

In one on one coaching we help you accomplish the following for your small business, franchise, or corporation:

  1. Build scalable systems

  2. Build betters sales processes 

  3. Build your marketing funnel 

  4. Brand strategy 

  5. Lead your team better 

enterprise coaching

Service description: We help you leverage your time by training your team, leaders, and sales people people for you so you can utilize your time on revenue optimization. Training is one of the most important, yet time consuming activites that routinely bogs down business owners and executives.

Enterprise coaching is ideal for the following people on your team:

Internal Sales Agents

External Sales Agents

Sales Managers and Team Leaders

Operation and Marketing Managers

In enterprise coaching, we help you optimize your revenue by helping your team do the following:

  1. Lead and recruit at a higher level

  2. Build better culture and synergy

  3. Sell more personally and as a team

  4. Communicate across job types

  5. Lead your team better 

Full end-to-end marketing and operations services

Service description: We either design a website from scratch or rebrand your old website. This includes web design and back-end widgets, forms, and meeting links. We help you personalize a website to stand out from the crowd instead of looking like standard websites in your industry. We can even maintain and update your website for a small monthly fee to ensure it’s updated when things change or improve in your business so you don’t have to learn website editing!

Time saved: 40 hours.

What to expect when you book a call

  1. Discovery call: We meet with you to hear your story, why you do what you do, and your goals. We want to learn as much about your current situation as possible. From here, we schedule a follow-up meeting to go over our personalized strategy to grow your specific business. No two strategies are exactly the same.

  2. Strategy call: We meet with you, clarify your goals, and share our strategies and resources to empower you to reach your goals faster.

  3. Once you’ve signed off on your business growth strategy, we get started enacting your plan.

    It’s that simple. We’ve worked with dozens of businesses, started up 2 companies, and run 35+ sales organizations. We have the skill and know-how to look at your business and immediately know how to optimize your revenue, organize your systems, and develop a better brand.

Own a business, not a job

What’s the point of starting a business if you have to work 80 hours a week and be stressed all the time?

If you stopped working today, would you business fail?

You started a business, but now you’re in the thick of things. You’re working constantly, sometimes until 10pm to make it all happen with no end in sight. Maybe you’re making great money, but you’re stressed all the time, and it seems like you are going to have to grind every day for the rest of your life…. Do you even have an exit plan?

The goal isn’t to own your own job, it’s to build a business that works for you

You need to start focusing on improving your systems and developing a marketing funnel that works for you. You need a sales process that is more efficient. You need lead generation strategies and systems that will work for you. You need to overhaul your business and build an audience that adores what you do. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. Because that is exactly what we do.

Don’t just work hard; work smart. Build a system that nurtures your ideal client to know, like, and trust you.

If you’re smart, you can develop a marketing funnel that inspires your ideal client to be excited to talk to you and knowledgeable about how you solve their problem before you ever meet them and ask for a sale.

Building out your marketing funnel to sell the way your ideal customers like to buy is a massive bottleneck for most businesses. Imagine if you could have every person who meets with you know, like, trust, and know how you can solve their problem before they even meet you.

So many entrepreneurs and business owners are held back by their knowledge levels. If they only knew what was on the other side of their knowledge gaps, they would scale their businesses faster than they could ever have expected! Having someone walk you through every aspect of growing your business, from starting from scratch to improving your systems for massive growth, makes a massive difference in how long it takes you to grow your business. Joe is able to draw on his past experience building a $1.2 million door-to-door sales organization, building an online personal training company, building the Knowledge Gap consulting services, growing his podcast, the Knowledge Gap Show, and starting the Knowledge Gap foundation, so that you can avoid limiting mistakes and grow your business faster.


Develop systems that work for you.

One of the biggest mistakes that small business owners, salespeople, and entrepreneurs make is having processes that require a ton of your time to be focused on “in the business activities.” In consulting with Joe, you will focus on developing business systems that will save you valuable time so you can focus your time "on the business.” If you never work “on the business,” it will never grow, and you will be stuck in a perpetual loop of being overly stressed and busy because your business requires you to work really hard to maintain income! This isn’t how you have to run your business!


Get your time back, spend time with your family, help more people, and make more money.

After consulting with Joe, you will be able to spend less work on the business and more time building a sustainable business model that will grow into something you love! You will learn to leverage your time by developing improved marketing funnels, sales strategies, systems, hiring processes, and positions that will save you time so you can focus on what you do best.


Avoid wasted time, money, and mistakes that can tank your business.

As a business leader, you have to play to your strengths. There are parts of business where your strengths lie, and there are many parts of business where you are weak. Often, business isn’t limited based on your strengths but rather your weaknesses. How can we continue to grow? By surrounding yourself with people whose strengths are your weaknesses,

Don’t stay stuck working on your business; build a business that works for you by spending your time working on it. Sometimes the key to success is meeting the right person to guide you where to go.


Trying to grow your business through social media marketing and not having a lot of success?

The biggest mistake I see businesses make is posting without a purpose. We specialize in helping business owners develop a powerful personal brand that drives business growth. Often, there are so many people in your same industry. How will you set yourself apart?

The reason people work with you is because they know, like, and trust you. Meaning, they love why you do what you do. And that’s where we start.

With our 1-on-1 coaching business growth consulting, we believe that everything you want to accomplish in life and your business is possible. The only thing that is in your way? Your knowledge gaps, and we help business owners bridge their knowledge gaps, think bigger and believe in themselves so they can do what inspires them and add value to the people around them so that together we can make the world a better place.

There are two limiting factors to business growth.

Not enough leads or not enough capacity to fulfill new business

Which should you focus on? How do you grow these capacities? At the Knowledge Gap Co., we help you focus on the right things at the right time to grow your business.

Something as simple as asking for referrals can make a massive difference in how successful you are in your business. Sometimes you just have knowledge gaps, and that’s what I can help you with.

There is never a good time to start something new. There is only a decision of when you will make time for what matters to you.

Book a Free Consultation with Joe Today!