Why isn’t your business growing?
Overcome the Plateau
When you find yourself stuck on a plateau, here’s the secret: surround yourself with people who know more than you do. Let me explain why this matters. You’ve likely built your business by bringing in talented individuals, teaching them everything you know, and watching them thrive. But here’s the catch—when you hit that plateau, it’s because you’ve exhausted your own ideas. Your business thrives on a collection of the best ideas, and if they all originate from your brain alone, you’re limiting your brand to a single perspective. So, my advice? Diversify your brainpower! Bring in experts with different experiences and knowledge. Suddenly, your business’s roof expands—it’s no longer just one brain; it’s a symphony of many.
Call in reinforcements
Successful businesses share a common thread: they all start with an idea. Think about giants like Nike, Adidas, and Apple. Each of these companies began with someone getting excited about a concept. They didn’t keep it to themselves; they shared it with the world emphatically and enthusiastically. And that’s how your business operates; it’s a fusion of ideas. The best ideas from you and your team come together to create something remarkable. But here’s the twist: when you hit a plateau, it’s like running out of fuel for your creative engine. Suddenly, the ideas seem scarce. That’s when you need reinforcements—someone who brings fresh perspectives and novel concepts.
Grow faster with the right resources
That’s why I’m passionate about my work at the Knowledge Gap Company. I help people break through those plateaus and ascend to the next level. Don’t go it alone when you're stuck; find someone with better ideas. The reason I excel at what I do is because of the incredible mentors I’ve had. These mentors have years of experience, whether it’s selling books, working at Southwestern, or recruiting. They generously shared their knowledge with me, and that’s how I learned so quickly. Going solo, I ventured into my own projects and even improved my YouTube game. But here’s the kicker: I hired a full-time YouTube expert named John Snyder for the Knowledge Gap Company. In just three months, he taught me more than I could have learned in a year. You won’t reach your goals without the right people by your side. Consider what might take you two years to learn; a skilled mentor can impart in just six months. Time is precious—why not save those 18 months?
Instead of struggling through plateaus and frustrations alone, seek guidance directly from those with the knowledge you need. Continuously broaden your business horizons by seeking fresh perspectives, and never hesitate to acknowledge when you require assistance to unlock your full potential.
If you’re struggling with this problem, I would love to answer any questions you might have! Fill out the form below to send me an email—I will get back to you shortly.
All the best,
Joe Ignace
Owner, Author
The Knowledge Gap Company